Changeban is a Lean Startup-flavoured Kanban simulation game.
It was created by Mike Burrows, the founder of Agendashift, as an in-person workshop game. To understand the objectives and outcomes of playing the game have a look at the Changeban page, on the Agendashift site.
Normally the game is played twice, once with WIP limits and once without. Results are compared and discussed.
Starting and Joining a Game
The first player creates a game with the "New Game" button, supplying their initials.
After starting a six character game name is displayed in the bottom left corner. Pass this on to the other players for them to join.
Each game can hold a maximum of 5 players and you cannot join after it has begun. If you try to join a full, or running game you will be given the opportunity to watch it play."
Playing a Game
In this online version you will see what type of day you have and what you can do. The game will not allow you to make an invalid move. Simply look at the bold tickets and pick one. Clicking on it will make the move.
When played in person randomness is introduced for play by each player drawing a card, which could be red or black. Here the game will deal your colour for you.
For a RED Card
For a BLACK Card
After your daily standup meeting:
Rejecting Items
Whether you are playing a red or black day whenever you accept an item, reject another, chosen by the whole team
Changeban simulates the idea that many of our ideas will be rejected as we find out about them. There are two colours of items representing different kinds of work. To maimise the team's score There should be a balance of completeion and rejection and a balance of types of work.
The maximum score is 20
Playing Multiple Games
You cannot restart a game but you can play as many times as you like, simply start a new game.
Limiting WIP
The game can be played without WIP limits, with a limit for each column or a aggregated limit across all the in-progress columns. Simple check the appropriate box when creating a game.
After you have started a game the six character game name is displayed in the bottom left corner. Pass this on to the players for them to join.